Putting your real estate deal on Craigslist without a photo is essentially not putting your deal on the market at all. Buyers and other Investors want to peek before taking the time to view or call their agent. When I am looking for deals or checking out comparables on Craigslist, I always use “has image” as my part of my search criteria.
Did you know that my agent says buyers and new investors often print out the ads or listings that contain photographs and use them as they are making decisions and considering what to bid or offer in a purchase contract. My Re-Max Agent, M. Rooker advised the following:
“As many as 10-12 photographs may be placed in listings online, but every property should have at least 3-5 shots that tell a story. The goal: to enable the viewer to imagine themselves living in the home. Squander your photographs by offering the wrong ones, and you are missing out on one of your greatest tools to pique the interest and imagination of buyers.
Must-have photos include front of home, kitchen, living room, master bedroom, master bathroom, dining areas, significant features, such as out-buildings, exceptional garages, mother-in-law quarters, and other perks.
Include photos that contain elements that set your property apart. In listings powerful copy can play a feature up, but a single, considerate photograph really is worth a thousand words. And about those photos. who should take them? Some investors do the photographs themselves, some hire professional real-estate photographers or home-stagers to come up with winning shots.”
The goal is to enable your property to show well enough with online photographs that compells buyers to take action – view it in person or submit an offer.
What Pics Should You Use on Craigslist?
Rooker says she practices the following “real estate picture fundamentals” to move homes quickly into the sold column. “Get very close up: Outside the home get details of walkways and steps, foundation, decks and windows. Take photographs that show the condition, the materials, improvements, flaws, potential hazards or issues with lighting, style or architectural or landscaping details. Inside the home look at banisters, window details, fireplaces, hearths, cabinets, molding and door details, light fixtures, heating vents, walls, paint or wallpaper condition, flooring, stairs and landings, and other details.
There are some photos that you should leave out, as well. For example, leave out the half-bath if it means that you highlight an special feature of the house with an extra picture – think view from the deck or pool. Leave the lesser bathrooms for the walk-through and spend the valuable shot on something that is unique to your property. Not every bedroom requires a photograph, and basements, garages and storage areas are good bonus features for a walk-through. If appliances, art, or other elements are not being sold with the home, avoid putting them in photographs, or minimize their focus.”
A picture is worth more than a thousand words, and will contribute to you becoming a successful real estate investor
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