Is there a new “norm” in the real estate market? The economy? Can we expect our financial and economic picture to be that of what it used to be? The good news from it all is that investors, owners and real estate professionals are focusing on the fundamentals; and the fundamentals should be focused on in any market, especially one whereby optimism among senior executives about the future of the economy increased slightly in the last three months.
Measuring the economic assumptions of more than 400 executives across six functional business roles, the latest Business Barometer by the Corporate Executive Board shows that sentiment among business leaders is improving due to a positive outlook for sales, IT spending and emerging market growth.
“The uptick in optimism we see among senior executives reflects a moderation in concerns about downside economic scenarios as well as increased confidence from continued sales and earnings growth in a challenging economic environment,” said Michael Griffin, executive director, Global Research for the Finance and Strategy Practice at CEB. “Faced with modest growth expectations and increasing cost concerns, executives have little margin for error in setting budgets for next year. Leading companies are taking a highly selective approach to resource allocation, working back from key growth and efficiency bets.”
Investors in this distressed market space should also take a selective approach to resource allocation, but eventually, after due diligence, implement and buy. The key is work with a group of professionals, a team, that has your best interests in mind. Your thoughts?
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