We all do it.
We read every book we can find on the “magic” of real estate investing. We read motivational books and listen to CD's . We spend evenings and weekends attending real estate, goal setting, success and motivational workshops and seminars. Sometimes it seems that if we just attend one more real estate investing workshop , invest in one more program from the latest guru or listen to one more success CD, we will finally be equipped with the secret we have been seeking to start on our journey to success. Magically everything will fall into place and we will finally be equipped with all the knowledge and information we need to start buying real estate.
The truth is that until we start taking action and applying the knowledge we have learned nothing will happen. No amount of reading or seminars will substitute for actually meeting with owners, looking at properties and making offers. Learning and gathering information is necessary…but “information overload” can contribute to delaying the actual “on the job” experience that will truly translate into success.
We listen and learn from successful people and strive to incorporate their success principals into our business and private lives . Success leaves clues that we can follow but sometimes it is easy to see ourselves trying to imitate the success of others. It is important to realize that we all have to discover our niche, our unique way of creating our success and what works in our local market.
We already have the seeds of greatness within each of us, to use a phrase by Dennis Waitley. It is not that we can not benefit from the knowledge, inspiration and examples we learn from successful people, it is that we must not totally rely on something outside ourselves to create our success. We also must add the ingredients of faith in ourselves, the ability to take action and the undying belief that we can and will reach our desired outcome.
Should we continue to read, learn and study the success of others ? Absolutely! It is critical in the business environment in which we exist today. We should never stop learning ,exploring new ideas and seeking new areas of inspiration, but also understanding that we must take ownership of our own success.
At the end of the day…the only success that truly matters is yours.
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