Darin Garman
Real Estate Broker Scammed Out of Millions
June 20, 2016
Guess who I got an email from? The dignitary from Africa needing to get eighteen million dollars out of the country and not only that, out of all the people in the U.S. he chose me to help him. And… If I do decide to help him I will get a fee for this of 10% or $1.8 million …
Real Estate’s ‘No Taxes Due’ Loophole
May 13, 2016
In some of those conversations I have been having lately – I talk about the property, what the cash flows are looking like and what the expected returns would be for potential apartment and commercial investments. During a lot of our email exchanges one of the things that many of the investors touched upon was that the profit and return …
Ideas To Rescue Your Investment Goals & Resolutions
February 10, 2016
Resolve comes easily on December 31st. By February or March of the New Year, the investing and real estate investing resolutions made by investors are in disarray, compromised, abandoned. And the resolute determination to make this year, finally, the year you stick to ‘em, forgotten altogether. This blog post is not about making you feel guilty …
Ideas To Rescue Your Investment Goals & Resolutions Read More »
Blood Boiling Property Management Issues
September 28, 2015
Investors I meant to share with you that this past summer on Memorial Day I was working. Yeah, I realize that Memorial Day was back in May but I was working that day. Doing on site property inspections. I find that holidays are a good time to do inspections of the properties since you get …
Property Management Key To Successful Commercial Investments
June 16, 2015
Rumor has it that my picture is on a few dart boards. With plenty of darts stuck in that picture. It would not surprise me. You see when it comes to investment real estate I tend to have very high expectations from the people that I deal with and I have no problem in letting them know what my …
Property Management Key To Successful Commercial Investments Read More »
8 Big Ideas To Rescue Investment Resolutions
February 10, 2015
Resolve comes easily on December 31st. By March of the new year, the resolutions made are in disarray, compromised, abandoned. And the resolute determination to make this year, finally, the year you stick to ‘em, forgotten altogether. This email is not about making you feel guilty over this abandonment. Instead, it is about the real reasons resolutions …
First Apartment Investment Is The Most Important
December 09, 2014
You probably would not be surprised if I told you that a large amount of my time is dealing with investors looking to invest in their FIRST good investment real estate opportunity. Either as a sole investor in the property or as one of my investment partners. The reality of this is this apartment investment …
First Apartment Investment Is The Most Important Read More »
One Question Too Many Investors Fail To Ask A Coach
September 24, 2014
The question that I am talking about is simply this: “Have you ever lost money in any of the investments that you have been involved in?” It’s a question that more investors need to be asking. It is also what I consider “The Question” that when answered will tell you a lot about with respect …
One Question Too Many Investors Fail To Ask A Coach Read More »
1031 Investment Real Estate’s “No Taxes Due” Loophole
July 18, 2014
Recently chatting with some investors, I talked about a 30+ unit property that was already into a high 9.8% returns, however, we found out just the other day that the profits will actually be a tad more! We will easily be into the double digits on this one. During a lot of our email exchanges …
1031 Investment Real Estate’s “No Taxes Due” Loophole Read More »
Real Estate Investment Luck – Fact Or Fiction?
June 11, 2014
If you are like me I am a creature of routine. So, this morning started like most mornings for me. My routine on a typical mid-week day is to get my workout in, go and inspect some of the investment properties, get a STRONG coffee at the Starbucks drive thru and stop at the bank …