Dwan Bent-Twyford

Dwan Bent-Twyford, the Queen of Foreclosures, learned the ""foreclosure"" business the old-fashioned way, by knocking on doors. Her motivation to become an investor came out of sheer desperation. She went through a divorce and found herself a single mom not wanting to raise her child in daycare. She needed a career that would allow her the freedom of working from home and raising her daughter at the same time. Investing in foreclosures was the perfect solution. She made $22,000 her first deal and never looked back. She now successfully handles every aspect of wholesaling, short sales, buying, rehabbing, marketing, and financing foreclosures and distressed properties. In a business dominated by men, this amazing woman quickly learned how to apply her unique experience to create win-win situations when buying property. With so many folks asking Dwan, ""How can I learn this business?"", she developed a complete training series as well as a five-day ""boot camp"". Dwan Bent-Twyford now enjoys traveling and sharing her vast knowledge with new as well as seasoned investors. Don't miss this exciting lady!
March 19, 2020
Do you want to earn an extra $5,000 next month? No really, I mean it. Of course you do! Flipping or Wholesaling is the way to do it. It’s fast, fun, and easy. First, let’s determine what wholesaling actually is. Some folks consider buying a house, rehabbing it, and selling it quickly wholesaling. Others consider …
What Is All The Fuss About Short Sales?
March 19, 2020
Everywhere you turn, there is another seminar, another guru, or another boot camp all teaching the same thing. Can so many people be right? How many different ways can there be to do the same thing? Folks, believe it or not, there are not one hundred different ways to do short sales, there is only …
The Key to Success
March 19, 2020
We meet many investors who are looking for a magic pill. They think there is a magic sentence; a special program; the perfect boot camp; the easy way to find deals. Folks, I have to tell you, there is no magic pill. You can be successful if you’ll do one thing: WORK! There are an …
Short Sale Secrets
March 19, 2020
Anyone actively investing in foreclosed and distressed properties has no doubt come across one major problem. Finding deals with equity! Trust us, this is a nationwide problem. There are so many foreclosures out there; unfortunately most of the homeowners owe what their property is worth. We find that most investors walk away from deals with …
Loss Mitigation: Friend or Foe
March 19, 2020
It is virtually impossible to complete a successful short sale without dealing with the loss mitigation department at the bank. So, how does one deal with loss mitigation successfully? Hopefully I can shed some light on that today. For those of you who are new to investing, you might be wondering what a short sale …
If Flipping Property Is So Easy, Why Doesn’t Everyone Do It?
March 19, 2020
There has been a lot of talk lately about flipping properties. Folks are swarming to real estate seminars in hopes of finding the golden egg; the one that will make them rich on their first deal so they can live on a mountaintop in Hawaii. Guru’s tell you how easy it is and convince you …
If Flipping Property Is So Easy, Why Doesn’t Everyone Do It? Read More »
How to Build Your List of Buyers
March 19, 2020
Whether you plan to rehab or wholesale, you’ll need to build a buyers list. These are the investors to whom you’ll sell properties. If you plan to wholesale, these folks can make you very rich. If your goal is to rehab, from time-to-time you’ll come across a property you can’t do because of a lack …
Frequently Asked Short Sale Questions
March 19, 2020
When investors find out I specialize in short sales, they always have so many questions. Here are the answers to some of the most common. Hopefully, these answers will give you a better understanding of a short sale and how to do one. Why Do The Banks Short Sale? The mortgage is in arrears or …
Bank Said No to Short Sale, Now What?
March 19, 2020
I submitted a short sale and the bank said no, so what is my next step? Great question. First of all, it’s important to realize that you’re only going to get 70% of your short sales accepted. That means that 30% of your deals will fall apart. If you submit ten short sales, you will …