Lou Gimbutis
Lou Gimbutis, owner of Property Solutions, LLC, SellMobileHomeNow.com, and CashForLandNC.com has been buying and selling houses full-time since 2004. He moved to the Greater Charlotte NC area to escape Michigan’s declining housing market, and arrived just in time for the “Great Crash” of 2008. Lou has served as a Board of Directors Member, Director of Education, Vice-President, and President of the Metrolina Real Estate Investor’s Association, named by the National REIA multiple times as the top REIA in the nation for its size category. He specializes in Seller Financed deals (subject-to or lease option) and wholesaling, and has just recently moved into rehabbing and retailing houses to take advantage of the strong Seller’s Market. Lou enjoys reading, writing, skiing, and above all, creating win-win real estate transactions.
(Over) Familiarity Breeds Contempt
April 13, 2020
Although, as Winston Churchill so poignantly reminded us, “Without a certain degree if familiarity, we would find it quite impossible to breed anything”. So, familiarity breeds contempt? A bold, categorical statement, some would say. No, not all tenants are created equal, just as all landlords are not. This is addressed to landlords who rent property …