Nick Legamaro

Nick Legamaro, AKA “Nick The Note Guy” has been investing in real estate since 2001. Everything from buy and holds, fix and flips, to being a lender on over 1000+ deals. Nick currently “controls” not “owns” millions of dollars of assets nationwide, and by “Being the Bank”, he is able to focus his investing around High Yield, Low Risk, Securitized Real Estate Mortgage Notes. As Managing Member of Rylex Capital, LLC, Nick leads a diverse team of real estate focused professionals; primarily representing Hispanic home buyers throughout the Texas. Respected by his colleagues for his creative deal structuring, problem solving and leadership skills, Nick possesses the singular ability to empower his colleagues to create a collaborative, cooperative team. Nick resides in Austin, Texas with his wife and two children. Nick enjoys traveling with his family, coaching, volunteering weekly at a local food pantry and church sponsored mission trips.