Scott Britton

Scott Britton, author and publisher of the "University of Real Estate Letter" is an active, full time Investor who has been successfully buying, selling and investing in single family houses and mortgages since 1979. Beginners and seasoned pros alike have profited from his down to earth, common sense investment advice. Scott is known for his clear thinking and problem solving abilities. His strategies for generating cash while building wealth, can help anyone accelerate their investment program while improving their lifestyle. Scott, along with his wife Cindy and their three children, live and work out of their high-tech, low-cost home office in historic Jackson, Mississippi, where he practices what he preaches on a daily basis.
The Absolute Fastest Way To Stuff your Pockets With Cash!
November 20, 2019
Unless you are independently wealthy, have an extremely high annual income, or plan on hitting the Powerball lottery, sooner or later, you’ll have to learn how to generate cash profits from your Real Estate investment ventures. The old joke “How do you make a million dollars in Real Estate? “Start with 2 million!” has become …
The Absolute Fastest Way To Stuff your Pockets With Cash! Read More »
Real Estate Investing Crystal Ball
November 20, 2019
Now that the year 2001 has rolled around… it’s time to take a look at our Real Estate Investing Crystal Ball. If you know what to expect out of the coming economy, you can position yourself to take maximum advantage of the opportunities. It’s almost like having the winning lottery numbers a few hours before …
Make Quick Cash Profits
November 20, 2019
“Reading this article, word for word, could catapult youinto a business worth thousands of dollars to you eachand every year for the rest of your life…” Dear Friend, Hold onto your hats because what I have to say could literally change your life. My name is Scott Britton. Maybe you know me or have heard …
How to Rehab Homes for Resale
November 20, 2019
“Tired of always being broke? Tired of the cash flow battle? Tired of being a “Paper Millionaire” with a zero bank balance? Well, cheer up bucky, ’cause what you need is a shot of cash to chase those blues away!” Dear Friend, To help you make this the best year of your life, we’re going …
How to Cash in on the Wholesale Real Estate Market
November 20, 2019
My Father always reminds me that nothing helps a Salesman’s attitude more than making a sale. It doesn’t have to be a home run… any sale will do! The same holds true for Real Estate. Nothing positively impacts a Real Estate Entrepreneur’s attitude more directly than making a sale. And the quickest way to make …
How to Cash in on the Wholesale Real Estate Market Read More »
How to Beat the Tenant Game
November 20, 2019
“Single Family Houses are hard to beat when it comes to investment vehicles. There is, however, one small problem called Tenants. While most Tenants are good, it only takes one bad apple to completely disrupt your life. From plunging toilets to eviction court, there has to be a better way. And there is… read on!” …
Getting Started Right in Real Estate Investing
November 20, 2019
“Investing in Single Family Houses has the potential of generating a six-figure income when done right! But, there are certain things you have to do. It’s unrealistic to think riches will fall into your lap just because your business card says “Real Estate Investor”. Ain’t no free lunch, baby! It still takes work.” Dear Friend, …
Learn How to Generate Cash First!
October 30, 2019
With the wealth of information available to the average cat today, it becomes increasingly difficult to determine where you should start in this business. In fact, the more you study, the more confused you can become. It has happened to me, and I’m sure it has happened to you. It’s information overload, plain and simple. …
Assembling Your Buyer’s Briefcase
October 30, 2019
Let’s start with the basics. The concept of a “Buyer’s Briefcase” is to have the right forms necessary to “sign up” a transaction at your fingertips at all times. It’s kinda like a salesman with his order pad. When someone wants to give you the order…you need to be ready to sign them up! So…the …