Ask An Expert – Wholesaling REOs – Paul Lizell

Today's episode is about wholesaling REOs. Our expert is Paul Lizell, founder of REO Auction Academy. Paul shares his expertise and best practices to wholesale REOs.

What is an REO property?

How can I find REO properties?

In general, how do you wholesale an REO property?

Can you assign an REO property?

Can you do a double-close?

How much earnest money deposit is required to bid?

Is your earnest money deposit at risk?

How do you determine how much in repairs is needed?

Can you get inside to look at the property?

Are most REOs in bad shape?

How do you find the money to do the deals?

How do you find your buyers?

What is the average profit spread on an REO deal?

Any last tips for investors thinking about wholesaling REOs?

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