Hi, this is Frank Chen with REIClub.com, the only site you need as a real estate investor. Today I've got quick video on how to start a Cash Flow Club.
What Are Cash Flow Clubs?
Ever hear of Robert Kiyosaki? Author of the “best-seller series” Rich Dad, Poor Dad, and real estate mogul… Well he designed a series of cashflow board games, Cashflow 101, Cashflow 202, and Cashflow for Kids.
The Cashflow games teach accounting, finance, and investing, and emphasize the importance of wealth-creating principles. The purpose of these games is to teach investors how to recognize opportunities for wealth in everyday life. There have been many people have applied these “game” principles in their own life to achieve financial freedom.
The best way to play the Cashflow game is to find a group of like-minded players who are committed to creating their own wealth. Playing Cashflow with friends and family, unless they share your financial ambitions, more than likely won't benefit you.
So tons of investors all over the nation have organized these cashflow clubs for networking, and to learn some valuable life lessons. So what i'm going to do is teach you today is how to get one of these cashflow clubs up and running…
Setting Up a Cashflow Club
1. Place an ad in your local paper. You can use craigslist, greensheets, your local online paper.
2. Book a location – coffee shop, meeting room at your local library, office meeting room, real estate office, hotel conference room, or even your own home if you are comfortable with that.
3. You need 3-6 players per game, so you can start with a very small group. If no one in the group owns a game, you can agree to purchase your first Cashflow 101 game together. Or you may choose to buy your own game. Cost for Cashflow 101 is about $85ish bucks on Amazon. Cashflow 202 is about $45ish dollars.
4. As your group grows, good to ask players to contribute a small sum to cover venue costs, photocopying and refreshments.
5. Continue to place your free monthly ads to keep building the group.
6. Network – collect email and contact info for the group and send out monthly reminders regarding dates for future games.
7. Once you've mastered Cashflow 101, you may wish to move on to the challenge of Cashflow 202. Less experienced members and beginners can continue playing the 101 game.
8. When your club is up and running you can add it to the list of worldwide clubs on the Rich Dad web site. You'll be amazed at how many local people will find you through this list.
Setting up a cashflow club is a great way to network with people who have similar goals and aspirations. Many times you will meet other real estate investors or professionals with a range of expertise that will often supplement your own projects. The Cashflow Games are national and widely sought out for, so if you don't have one in your area, its very easy to start one, and its a very cheap way to build a like-minded, wealth building network.
Again, this is Frank Chen with REIClub.com. Please take the time to leave your comments for this video below and please subscribe to our YouTube channel so you'll be automatically notified when we upload more quick video tips for you. Take care and good investing.
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