Hi, this is Frank Chen with REIClub.com, the only site you need as a real estate investor. Today's quick video we're going to be talking about some home staging tips that will help sell your real estate investments quicker.
Why Staging Properties Is Important?
- staging is optional, but it really shouldn't be
- dealing with significant financial transaction
- guarantees a better first impression
- more people are looking at pictures online before going to the property
- provides a visual for potential buyers AT the property – small 10% can visualize decor
- more likely to sell quickly
- more likely to get asking price – statistics show that staged homes sell for about 6% more
Paying vs. Staging Homes Yourself
- Professionals – understand exactly what is needed to prepare property
- Relationships with industry professionals – painters, cleaners, etc…
- Stagers will see what the buyers see – harder to see flaws as the owner
- Professional photographs – anyone can take pictures, most buyers look online now before physically seeing the home
- It may be expensive – but measure the value based on the timeline you are wanting to sell the house in.
Real Estate Staging Tips
- curb appeal – refer to curb appeal video – http://youtu.be/iU2-FDcD4OQ
- clear the clutter and remove all trash – out of site, out of mind
- lighting – open the drapes and blinds – sunshine brightens the mood
- lighting fixtures to highlight areas in the home – bookshelf, etc…
- focus on having very clean bathrooms, kitchen, and major living areas – hire cleaning company ($100)
- stained dated kitchen cabinets vs. replacing
- stainless steal appliances
- granite countertops
- hardwood – replace damaged panels, sand, stain – no need to replace
- utilize habitat for humanity for replacements
- rent furniture – position into conversation groups, away from the wall
- theme the rooms – lounge, game room, nursery, etc…
- accessories – lamps, flowers, wall clock, magazines, books on bookshelf, area rug, towelsetc…
- fresh air
When it comes to home stagings, a little goes a long way. If you can budget for it, do so. Not having the funds is not an excuse. If you have furniture of your own that's decent enough to use in your real estate investment, then use it, ask me how I know. It's your job as an investor to persuade any potential buyers that this is “their” home, so do your best to make them that it is, and you will start to see more offers.
Again, this is Frank Chen with REIClub.com. Please take the time to leave your comments for this video below and please subscribe to our YouTube channel so you'll be automatically notified when we upload more quick video tips for you. Take care and good investing.
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