This brief article should help you become more productive… help you become more stress free… and it’s also a little therapy for myself.
You see, as I write this I’m suffering from overload. Like a classic entrepreneur I always try and do too much and put too many things on my plate at once. Then, overload sets in (as it is right now) and I have to “de-clutter” my life and get it back to simplicity.
So here’s what I’m going to do as soon as I finish writing this article. I hope these steps will help you too.
Step #1…
First, I’m going to make a long “to do” list of all the things I need to get finished. These include things such as calling an HOA of one of my properties because I just got a violation notice in the mail, to setting up a new postcard marketing campaign.
Once I have the list of EVERYTHING that needs to be done, I go down and ask myself what can my assistant Lisa do? (I give her a lot to do, but I still find myself not delegating enough). Once I have crossed off everything that I don’t have to do, then I send Lisa an email with her “to do” list. Now, if you don’t have an assistant yet get one. They’re dirt cheap and you can use any of the sites such as, even for short term things.
Step #2…
Next, I look at what’s left on my “to do” list and I think which of these is going to actually contribute to putting money in my bank account and which ones are pointless. I try to scratch off everything that does not have an impact on making me money (You’d be surprised at how we fill up our time- Don’t forget the 80-20 rule).
Step #3…
After I’ve been ruthless with my list, then I make a plan of how to get everything done. I simply take out a calendar and write on Monday I’ll do these 5 things, on Tuesday I’ll do these things, etc, etc, etc.
And before I know it my life is de-cluttered and I’ve got everything under control. Of course, it’s a never ending cycle. But it’s important you do this activity when you start to feel stressed that way you don’t completely burn out and give up. In fact, I haven’t even done it yet, but I’m already feeling better because I know I’ll have things under control shortly.
So, before you go to bed tonight take out a yellow legal pad (as I will do in a minute) and make that list. Then just take one thing at a time. Plus, don’t forget to be tough on your list. You must be ruthless. If something isn’t putting money in your bank account one way or another then forget about it.
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