Do you have any mutual fund in your portfolio giving you a 1000% return on your investment? I didn't mistakenly enter the wrong figure. That is one-thousand percent and in addition what I'm talking about is for ONE month so annualized that's… well, I'll let all the bean counters figure that out. It is very attainable for that 10:1 return on your investment with prudent selection of where to place those marketing dollars that end results in truly great deals coming your way.
So many people are flocking to real estate seeking higher returns on their investments in recent years and especially since '00. Why? Well, the big fat 401K's have turned into 201K's and many people realized that really what people had banked on being there financially became all of a sudden money evaporating with every downturn of the stock market.
So, where are people now putting their money for investments? Real estate! Real estate has been a time-tested vehicle for short and long-term wealth and income and that was LONG before the .com and tech stock busts. Ok, probably nothing you don't know and haven't heard of right? So, now that we probably all know the actual and potential income for the average “Joe” through real estate the question is always “how do I get there?”.
There are so many, many ways to profit in real estate and I'm never surprised from all those I meet at my speaking engagements as well as online students who make BIG money in real estate. I personally take notes on about successful characteristics of some that I would like to share with you:
- Average time is about two years to transition from corporate jobs to fulltime real estate investor.
- Both spouses contribute in some way to the real estate business.
- Investor possesses more than one profit-centered technique to make money in real estate. (wholesaling, landlording, etc…)
- Keeps accurate and ethical financial records.
- Live within their means on a personal financial level.
- Commits to a continued investment in their real estate education.
- One or both spouses have at one time or another been “downsized” being caught in corporate America crosshairs.
- Primary reason for investing in real estate is to have more time to spend with family and take control of their financial future.
- Feel that you DO NOT have to possess credit or money to make money in real estate.
- DESIRE to succeed probably greatest succeed along with that positive attitude and don't listen to the naysayers.
In fact I had one student tell me their former manager in their corporate world stated that, “real estate investing is only for a tax write off”. I'm not going to cast my pearls before swine and neither am I going to try to lead a horse to water that doesn't want to drink. Bottom-line is that this that now full-time real estate investor makes 2-3 times as much as the corporate executive.
With some of the general traits I've shared with you for fellow full-time real estate investors along with the absolute need for you to take control of your financial destiny means I've saved the biggest trait for last. Probably for many of you this may not be earth-shattering but the truth is that they all have a bona-fide marketing program fit to their budget, experience, short-term and long-term goals in real estate, coinciding with their profit-centered techniques.
Many stockbrokers make their living in speculating on undervalued stock and buying them in bulk. Corporate purchasing department executives will have their income tied into being able to make large gross profit buys on items their company may retail. Its all called the art of a deal and it simply doesn't matter which industry one is focused in when you're talking about moving a commodity its about being able to buy (and/or control) at the lowest price and sell at highest price possible. Difference in the middle is called a profit and is our motto in real estate: FIND A GREAT DEAL!!!
You may know 1002 creative ways to purchase and/or control properties but if its not a truly great deal to begin with then you only have a burden. So in having a system that locates truly motivated sellers to contact you on a consistent basis is what our whole business is about. It all starts with marketing and an investment that you feel comfortable with.
If you're not satisfied with the returns on your investment and you're in real estate or considering to be aggressive in real estate, then divert those funds into launching your own marketing IPO! Being able to control your own financial destiny if you're a competent real estate investor will result in what many of us already know marketing is the best return on your investment!!
Good hunting as luck has absolutely nothing to do with it.
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