A famous ad man once said, “Enter the conversation going on in people’s minds.” And with the beginning of the New Year we know that people are making resolutions like crazy. They want to lose 50 pounds, they want to double their income, they want to spend more time with their family and they want to eliminate stress in their lives.
And the stress elimination part is where you and I come in. You see, many tired landlords (my favorite niche to target) resolve that in the New Year they’re going to get rid of the vacant rental property that’s been bleeding cash flow for months.
Or that they’re going to finally evict the pain-in-the-butt tenants who’ve destroyed the house and haven’t made a rent payment forever.
So how are you and I going to help them out and “enter the conversation in their minds?”
We’re going to send them a specific mailing piece. In fact, right now, I’m going to give you the exact language of the mailing piece I use. It goes out on a 5 x 8 size postcard.
What follows is the first side of the postcard. If I were you, I would copy the words below and quickly get out some marketing materials so you can close a lot of deals quickly while the New Year is still fresh. Enjoy.
How to sell your nightmare rental property in early 2011- and have a wonderful New Year!
It’s a brand new year and if you’re like most landlords you want to get rid of that nightmare rental property that keeps bleeding cash. You no longer want to deal with pain-in-the-butt tenants, or vacancies that drag on for months at a time. I don’t blame you.
That’s why I want to help you start off 2011 on a great note and have this year be more relaxed and stress free. You see, my name is Jason Hanson and for the past 8 years I’ve been helping landlords in Fredericksburg get rid of unwanted rental properties.
We love your feedback and welcome your comments.
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