Preston Ely
Wholesalers Are Making Too Much Damn Money. FTC Suspects Fraud.
May 20, 2020
It’s so funny. At least once a day someone walks up to me, says hello, and then with a pseudo-sorrowful look on their face and a hand on my shoulder as if my mother just died in a fiery car crash asks how I’m doing in real estate. When I reply that I’m doing awesome …
Wholesalers Are Making Too Much Damn Money. FTC Suspects Fraud. Read More »
Think 2009 Is A Bad Time To Get Into Real Estate? That’s What They Want You To Think. Wake Up Dummy!
May 20, 2020
Ever wonder why things happen? If not, then just stop reading. This will be way over your head. Go watch cartoons. Why did real estate values suddenly climb to record highs the past few years? Why did interest rates drop so low allowing so many average people to refinance and get access to more cash …
Short Sales – Don’t Do It
May 20, 2020
Have someone else do it for you. Short sales get dealt with just like everything else in my life that even remotely smells like stressful labor; they get delegated. Outsourced. Sub’d out. Avoided at all cost. The purpose of this article is to encourage you to do the same. Life is too short to do …
Network Your Way To Millions
May 20, 2020
Let’s cut to the chase. The goal is a few hundred leads per month. You want billboards, commercials, and mass mailers going out in the tens of thousands. There is only one small problem… You currently have $327 a month available for marketing. What do you do? You have champagne taste and a malt liquor …
How To Make $15,000 In One Assignment Fee
May 20, 2020
So I’m sitting at Starbucks this week just typing away (not very fast, mind you; I only use two fingers total) when my piece of crap iphone that doesn’t work ever starts ringing… “rrrrrrrriiiiinnngg…” Me: “Yeah.” Intruder: “Yo! Preston! It’s me, Dave – your favorite student! I just flipped a house for a $15,000 assignment …
Finding Buyers In 2008
May 20, 2020
Times they are a changin’. Whereas in 2005 finding a buyer for your wholesale deal was easy, we are now faced with a much more challenging predicament. I have personally coined this annoying situation as “Reality.” “Reality” sucks. We all know this. Normally I can effortlessly bend it to my will, but it’s actually putting …