Todd Bockman
Massive CashFlow: Dramatically Boost Your Income Properties Profits!
October 02, 2012
If you hate the idea of owning rental property, then turn away … quick! Many people don’t like the idea of being a “landlord” and having to deal with tenants. But when done right, it can be much less hassle than you think, and highly profitable. When I first started out in 1990 I was …
Massive CashFlow: Dramatically Boost Your Income Properties Profits! Read More »
What’s Your Excuse For Not Real Estate Investing?
August 31, 2012
If you have been around the real estate investing game any length of time, you’ve obviously heard multiple stories of people who have gotten into the business and made money. The average Joe/Jane who had little, learned about this incredible business, and broke-thru to start making a few $1,000 … $10,000 … even topping $100,000 …
What’s Your Excuse For Not Real Estate Investing? Read More »
Living Well Is Never Taught In School!
May 23, 2012
We all know that learning to become wealthy is never taught in schools, much less what to do with all that money once you’ve made it. So as you begin to make money, what are you going to do with it? Enjoy it! I have put together this post to give you some ideas on …
Recommend Reading For Real Estate Investors
April 06, 2012
What you choose to put into your head will have a direct effect on what comes out. This has been shown time and time again to be the case. If you put garbage into your head (mindless television, reading trash), then you will get nothing but garbage out. Put the writings of highly successful people, …
Success? You’ve Got To Be Crazy!
November 25, 2011
Let me get this straight, you want to be an entrepreneur? What? Are you out of your mind? Why would you want to do that? Oh, I know … take control of your own destiny, manage your own time, be your own boss, make more money, live an opulent lifestyle, and all that sort of …
You Won’t Find Real Estate Treasure on a Well Traveled Path
November 01, 2011
“You Won’t Find Treasure on a Well Traveled Path” is a quote I heard many years ago that has always stuck with me and guided me and my style of real estate investing. If you consistently go where everyone else is going, then you’ll only be left to pick up the scraps and the bits …
You Won’t Find Real Estate Treasure on a Well Traveled Path Read More »
Who’s The Boss?
October 04, 2011
Who’s the Boss in your business? You are, of course, right? Absolutely! But does that mean you should treat everyone you encounter like they are your employees? Recently I had some experiences that reminded me of something that many real estate investors tend to do, that they don’t realize is killing their business. Not too …
What’s Up With All The Negativity?
July 25, 2011
Wow! What is up with people lately? It seems that everywhere I turn I am reading something negative about real estate investing, or someone slamming on some topic. Now, it’s not directed at me, but I just can’t believe the negativity of some people. I was recently on a popular search engines message boards, and …
Is Your Wealth Model Both Attainable And Sustainable?
July 01, 2011
If you ask the majority of people, they will tell you that real estate is one of the best places to build wealth available today. Everyone wants to own property, and with all the benefits – hard asset, equitable appreciation, demand – it will continue to be a great place to make money. So if …
Is Your Wealth Model Both Attainable And Sustainable? Read More »
So, You Want to be a Real Estate Investor?
April 06, 2011
So, you think you want to become a real estate investor? Become your own boss? Set your own hours? Do what you want? Make more money than you could ever count? Live the good life… huh? You see it everywhere, on TV, the infomercials, newspapers, magazines, the internet. “Get into real estate investing, and make …