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Alan Cowgill

Alan Cowgill

Alan Cowgill is the owner of Colby Properties, LLC. and President of Integrity Home Buyers, Inc. Alan is a full-time Real Estate Investor, investing in single family and small multi-family properties in Springfield, Ohio. Since 1995, Alan has bought and sold over 200 investment properties. Alan uses Private Lenders, not banks; to fund his real estate purchases. By doing this, he has created his own private bank of $2,000,000 in funds. In addition, Alan: • Holds a BS Degree in Business Management. • Has over a quarter century experience in Business Management. • Is a published author not only for Real Estate but also in American Industry. • Featured in the Business Section of the Springfield News-Sun newspaper in May, 2001. Article on real estate investing in Springfield, Ohio. • Adjunct Professor for 5 years at Clark State University. • Speaking Engagements include: Yovel, England; Dallas, Texas; Fort Collins, Colorado; Atlanta, Ga.; Jacksonville, Florida; Cashiers, SC.; Las Vegas, Nevada and Springfield, Ohio. • Business trainer and consultant. • Member of the Springfield Chamber of Commerce and Better Business Bureau. And best of all, Alan Cowgill is married and the father of three children.

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