Private Lender Credibility Kit

If you’re brand new in the real estate business, how do you convince someone to loan you private money? I talk with Alan Cowgill, a friend, and expert with over a quarter-century of experience in management about his credibility kit. He’s designed these kits to help new or new-ish real estate investors build their reputations at the beginning of their careers. 

The point of a credibility kit is to tell the private lender about your company and your background. It can be tough to explain your education to other people, so Alan created certificates for the events attended. He explains how he uses the certificates to show that he understands the foundation of the real estate business, and he explains why you shouldn’t date the certificate. 

Some of the special reports Alan has included in his credibility kit are his papers “How to Sell Your House in 9 Days” and “12 Questions and Answers About What Private Lending’s All About”. The goal of having a report or a lead magnet is to let the private lender find the trigger mechanism for them that answers their questions and moves them closer to loaning you money.

By also including things in the credibility kit like his staging pictures, before and after house pictures, sporting events he sponsors, or good things that are happening in his life, Alan gives private lenders a complete picture of the work that he can do. And of course, he puts his contact information in the front of the kit.

It’s okay to talk about yourself on a personal level. If you’ve never approached private money or hard money, I highly encourage you guys to check this out to strengthen your credibility. It takes a little bit of time to put a credibility kit together, but it’s time well spent.

What's Inside:

  • What is a credibility kit and how can you make it effective for you to use?
  • Alan talks about how he shows off his real estate education in his kit.
  • “Is my money secured?” and other questions private lenders ask.
  • Why you want to make sure your font is clear and easy to read.
  • The only reason a private lender will leave you and want their money back.

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