When you start your entrepreneurship journey, you come in with grand plans and vision. You’re going to be amazing and you’re going to be successful, but you think every single decision has to be made by you. And pretty soon, there’s this huge bottleneck in your business because you can’t get out of the way.
You have got to build a business system. The longer you put it off, the more money it’s going to cost you. Don Costa from FlipTalk knows how to create business systems that let you take your hands off the wheel because he’s already built an incredibly successful system-driven business.
The first and best system you’re going to invest in is people. I’m getting ready to hire my first employee, so I know that the person I bring on needs to be top quality. Your goal is to be the leader and to develop people into the best version of themselves. Get them trained properly so that they can make decisions without you looking over their shoulder and second-guessing them.
If you want to know where the cracks are in your business, just start throwing things on the wall. Your business system will quickly reveal where you’re losing money and where you should be investing. No more guessing! And when you figure it out, don’t hold yourself back. I see people not taking the next step for years (YEARS!) because their fear holds them back.
In this business, you have got to do revenue-generating work. If you don’t have money, Excel and Google Drive are both free and more than adequate for your beginner needs. Don’t be afraid to take the next massively imperfect action today.
What's Inside:
- Don talks about the most important part of any business system.
- Real estate tools that you can actually afford and will really use.
- How do you know when to invest in a business system?
- How not having a system in place holds your business back.
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Google Drive
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