When you have a low budget to allocate for expenses like education or marketing, the cheapest way to improve your business is to build relationships. But swinging into a busy agent’s life and asking to view 5 or 6 potential properties might be the last thing they have time for, so Randy Zimnoch lays down some starting dos and don’ts for building a lasting and mutually beneficial relationship with a real estate agent.
You may think of yourself as an investor, but you’re really limiting your scope if you don’t get your real estate license. You’re going to use the portals that are available to you as an investor, but unless you’re a licensed investor, you’re not going to see the remarks that are private agent-to-agent communication. Those marks might give you additional insights on who to contact, or the history of a property.
“Just work with agents!” is a common phrase thrown at investors, but the reality of the situation is that being an agent too gives you an added extra layer of convenience and information. When an investor calls Randy and is also licensed, the deal becomes more important than the commission. This is part of that relationship building that shows you are bringing the value. You’re not all about finding a deal for yourself; you’re looking for a win-win for you and your agent.
Plus, you can head straight to the property without someone like Randy. You’re going to get more access to a property and its information than an investor that has to wait around for an agent to open up a home. This a massive increase in your velocity of time. You’re going to have more access and see a house faster when you have a license too. For Randy personally, you automatically earn more respect when you come into a deal that much more prepared.
What's Inside:
- Do you know how to say the magic phrase that makes a Realtor work harder for you?
- Without your real estate license, you’re narrowing down what you can do.
- When Randy receives two contracts, he can’t distinguish between them if one investor is experienced and one isn’t. That means you can compete equally with experienced investors.
- Why you shouldn’t be afraid to ask the seller what he really wants out of the deal.
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