Sorry if that comes across as harsh, but most of us need to shut up and LISTEN to the other person!
When the seller is talking (and you're scribbling out notes) is when you're going to discover their problems and motivation. If you truly listen to them, you'll know the pain points you need address with your offer. The seller will also notice that you're listening and that's how you're going to stand out from the competition.
But the best part about connecting with the seller better is how much better you'll get at follow-up, which is going to turn into more deals, and more profit for you. You won't just be “checking-in” or “following-up” (please don't ever say those words on the phone) like every other stereotypical salesperson out there. You'll be calling to see how their job search or their kids are doing, and that's when they'll drop their guard and open up to you.
Watch or listen to this Q&A with Noah Gilliom to learn how listening & follow-up can land you more deals!
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